Thursday, March 26, 2009

Everyone should read Warren Henderson's "Glories Seen and Unseen."

I'm taking a break from my review of the article by Thomas Schreiner to bring you a news bulletin about a book I think everyone should read: Glories Seen and Unseen, by Warren Henderson. Here is another source of the book.

I haven't finished it so I'm jumping the gun in writing this but expecting to say more later. What pleases me most about it so far is that he quotes from some other sources than I've been used to encountering in my own researches, although his argument is basically the same as all those that conclude that the head covering is for today. He's also clearly very thorough in his research. And it's nice to have an actual BOOK on the subject instead of articles and chapters online.

I suspect I'll think he makes too much of leaving it to the woman herself to decide, as to my mind this is mostly a church order issue, but so far that's all I'm finding to disagree with.

I'm so happy with this book so far that I would love to buy it at the lower rate for evangelism purposes and just give it away to whoever asks.

April 23: I may yet get around to reviewing the book more thoroughly but at least my prediction held up to the end that my only real disagreement with him is his concern that women not be "forced" to cover their heads. I discuss this best in my 5th part to the discussion of Thomas Schreiner's essay I think, where I start "There is no need for a deep searching of the conscience about this."

The point in a nutshell is that Paul is not in this passage teaching about interior spiritual matters, though those are of course always in the background and he has taught about them many times. In this passage his concern is about church order and obedience to his requirement is a simple external matter of covering or uncovering the head. Given the confusion over this teaching for so long I nevertheless believe much preaching on the subject is in order to engage the congregation's understanding before making it a matter of church ordinance.

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